About Alex


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Designing Resilient Regenerative Systems

Designing Resilient Regenerative Systems (DRRS) is a continuing education, executive program offered by ETH Zurich.

I write more about it here: DRRS: Designing Resilient Regenerative Systems

Completed: Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) #1

Currently working towards the Master of Advanced Study (MAS)

Master of Engineering Management (MEM)

The Master of Engineering Management program is a collaboration between Dartmouth’s Thayer School of Engineering and Tuck School of Business. Essentially it is 1/2 MS in engineering and 1/2 MBA.

Focused on clean energy and entrepreneurship, with the capstone project being heat transfer and economic work for a compressed-air energy storage startup, SustainX.

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Chemical Engineering

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Chemical Engineering from the University of New Hampshire.

Focused on energy systems, and graduated summa cum laude


US 12,000,139 – Insulation Injection Device

US 8,806,866 – Systems and methods for efficient two-phase heat transfer in compressed-air energy storage systems

US 8,539,763 – Systems and methods for efficient two-phase heat transfer in compressed-air energy

US 8,474,255 – Forming liquid sprays in compressed-gas energy storage systems for effective heat exchange

US 8,234,863 – Forming liquid sprays in compressed-gas energy storage systems for effective heat exchange


As a candidate for Senior Engineer – Composite Materials at Albany Engineered Composites

This was essentially a research engineer role at Albany Engineered Composites (AEC) HQ and Research & Technology center in Rochester, NH. We were executing a technology transfer from another company to AEC: in-situ laser consolidation of thermoplastic composites, also known as Automated Fiber Placement (AFP).

The presentation leaned into my experience as a Research Engineer & Manager.