DRRS: Designing Resilient Regenerative Systems

Program & MOOCs & CASs & MAS

Designing Resilient Regenerative Systems (DRRS) is a continuing education program offered by ETH Zurich, a top tier global university (ETH is a technical university and something like the MIT of Europe). The program is in active development and is mostly online – it will have 4 Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and 4 Certificates of Advanced Study (CASs), with 4 CASs leading to a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS):

I came to DRRS from 1) searching for something more than sustainability, and 2) digging deeper into Systems Thinking. I landed on their MOOC#2 and was blown away by the breadth & depth – it was what I was looking for and much more.

I am grateful and fortunate enough to be 1 of 16 people worldwide selected for the first CAS #1 cohort. I find DRRS to be a framework of frameworks and a great crash course into state of the art of sustainability and regenerative systems.

Designing Regenerative Cultures

DRRS, in part, draws on Daniel Christian Wahl’s excellent book Designing Regenerative Cultures (also on Independent Publishers Group and bookshop.org). Daniel is one of the co-creators of the DRRS program.